Cottage Vignette #2

Haus of Wenzel

2 min read

Kaleb The Doodler

The cinephile, filmmaker, photographer and Doodler stands for a portrait and vignette into his life. Where does Kaleb stand? Well in front of 150 year old home… historic! Well the house is from historic Virginia city, but now is in mid-town reno. Photographed two days before the home owner decided that air conditioning in Reno was now needed. Check out the Flower situation in front of the adorable little Japanese style cottage.

Back to Kaleb

Mr. Kaleb when you walk, if you walk…when do you walk?

Kaleb: Night Walks

If made to choose were you were going to walk and the neighborhood was under rated, your little walking treat.. where would you go?

Kaleb: Old South West Reno is Wonderful for walking

Ok, I see that walking talk is making me hungry. Where to ? And what’s on the plate?

Kaleb: The Royce Burger at Royce

It’s a little volcanic out there right now, not saying that summer isn’t loved but what’s that special time of year for you and Reno. You know that time of year when you are vibing, our friends are out, the family is meeting?

Kaleb: Autumn is my jam

Ok, you seem legit. Just so i know i can trust your walking recommendation answer this. “ you know you are a local when?”

Kaleb: When you go to the casinos to people watch instead of to gamble

The Flower Filmer

Super 88